Archive for May, 2012

Scoutmaster Minute Resource

May 6, 2012

I appreciate all the hits I’ve received from folks searching for Scoutmaster Minutes.  You’re probably like me, scrambling for a few last minute words of wisdom.  Not too much, not too little, knowing you’re the only thing between your Scouts and the door home.

I’ve adapted quite a few SM Minutes from BSA’s Troop Program Resources, a handy resource.  There’s a couple versions out there—I have one (c)2002 by Boy Scouts of America (I hope I’ve adapted enough not to raise their ire, all credit where credit is due).

The US Scouting Service Project is another handy all around resource.  I’ve been reading Baloo’s Bugle and Ask Andy since I was a new Den Leader, and continue to find stuff to use.  If you’ve landed here looking for a Scoutmaster Minute, USSSP has posted several from Scouter David Eby.  Among those are one I used last week, that Scoutmaster Eby had used at the 1997 National Boy Scout Jamboree:  Never Give Up.

On July 25, 1962 fourteen year old Monroe County Boy Scout Dennis Churchill was fishing on Lake Erie with four companions when a sudden severe storm capsized their boat six miles from shore. Dennis put on a life jacket then left the others clinging to the boat while he swam for help. With thunder and lightning crashing overhead, high winds gusting and waves six feet high washing over him, he swam four hours through the storm alone before finally reaching shore….

While a couple boys questioned the wisdom of leaving a capsized boat (our best practices have changed a bit over the last 50 years) this life & death story did get their attention.

So never give up looking for inspiration.  And before you go to the meeting, remember the Scout Motto:  Be Prepared… with a Scoutmaster Minute of your own.