Archive for June, 2009

Gone to Camp

June 4, 2009

Lewis and Clark Scout Reservation

Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation, on the Missouri River outside Yankton, SD.  Akela Camp, then opening week of Troop summer camp.

See you in a couple weeks.  If I decide to come back.

Metal of Merit for St. Paul Scout

June 2, 2009

Nice article on St. Paul Pioneer Press website this morning:

A lesson learned allows good scout to save a pal

Boy who applied Heimlich hug gets medal, special day

It’s a short story that begins with the Heimlich maneuver and ends with a cough drop flying out of his classmate’s mouth and hitting the floor with a sound like “Spttwww!”

No joke.

Richard was just a Webelo scout in March of last year when his den, Pack 223, attended first aid training at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Paul. The training was conducted by a group of teens from Troop 90, which is based at the church.

Among the lessons that day was the type of skill most people pray they’ll never be called upon to use: the Heimlich maneuver.

Two days later, he used it….   Richard will receive the Medal of Merit, a national honor achieved by about 200 scouts each year.

(rest of story here

This is why we do so much of what we do.  So our Scouts (and Scout Leaders) are Prepared for whatever might come along, when it might come along.  That might be back thrusts in CPR or First Aid training, or responding to bullying or drug pushers on the path to First Class.

BSA’s National Court of Honor awards several recognitions for lifesaving and meritorious action, including the Honor Medal, Heroism Award and Medal of Merit.  Local councils may also award a local certificate of merit or other recognition to Scouts and Scouters.  We don’t do it for the recognition, but it’s sure nice when we can say “Well Done, Scout!”
